We put our patients needs first
Dr Bartzou D Theodora MD
Personal Doctor in GESY
Specialist in General / Family Medicine
Dr Theodora Bartzou MD, MSc is a specialised General – Family Medicine Doctor. She takes great pride in the personalised, patient-centred approach and care she provides to each and every patient of hers.
Dr Theodora is a GESY GP providing her services in the Peyia area.

General Practice
Here at Peyia GP Surgery, we focus on providing a high quality service and continuity of care from our experienced Gesy GP Dr Theodora Bartzou, in a caring and friendly environment.
Our GP is a dedicated, highly trained doctor who prides herself on offering a caring, holistic approach alongside the convenience and efficiency of the service.

Patient Registration
We now take new patient registrations. You can register with Dr Theodora as a GESY or a private patient. The surgery’s location is not only handy for those who live in Peyia, but also the surrounding areas – Kathikas, Kissonerga, Akoursos, and even Polis. Dr Theodora also accepts patients at her Paphos surgery. Please feel free to contact us for any further information or use our new patient registration form here.

Family Care
We are committed to providing patient-centered, high-quality care to patients of all ages. We offer accessible personal care in a comfortable atmosphere.

COVID Vaccinations
GESY Residents
For residents already on GESY, you can make an appointment for yourself or other GESY registered person in 3 ways:
- Call 1474 and follow the instructions for booking a vaccination appointment.
Dr Bartzou D Theodora MD
Personal Doctor in GESY
Specialist in General / Family Medicine
Dr Theodora Bartzou MD, MSc is a specialised General – Family Medicine Doctor. She takes great pride in the personalised, patient-centred approach and care she provides to each and every patient of hers.
Dr Theodora is a GESY GP providing her services in the Peyia area.

General Practice
Here at Peyia GP Surgery, we focus on providing a high quality service and continuity of care from our experienced Gesy GP Dr Theodora Bartzou, in a caring and friendly environment.
Our GP is a dedicated, highly trained doctor who prides herself on offering a caring, holistic approach alongside the convenience and efficiency of the service.

Patient Registration
We now take new patient registrations. You can register with Dr Theodora as a GESY or a private patient. The surgery’s location is not only handy for those who live in Peyia, but also the surrounding areas – Kathikas, Kissonerga, Akoursos, and even Polis. Dr Theodora also accepts patients at her Paphos surgery. Please feel free to contact us for any further information or use our new patient registration form here.

Family Care
We are committed to providing patient-centered, high-quality care to patients of all ages. We offer accessible personal care in a comfortable atmosphere.

COVID Vaccinations
GESY Residents
For residents already on GESY, you can make an appointment for yourself or other GESY registered person in 3 ways:
- Call 1474 and follow the instructions for booking a vaccination appointment.
Registering with us privately or via GESY is really easy
There are a number of ways you can register with Dr Theodora on GESY or as a private patient. Click here to view our Registering with GESY Guidelines to see if you fulfill the criteria to be eligible for a GESY registration.

We are always available to help when you need us
If you’re just not a tech person, no problem. You cant contact us via telephone or email and we’ll be happy to assist you.

For GESY or private registration
Register with our GP on GESY or privately with our no fuss, easy to use process by filling out a simple registration form here

Let’s meet in person to discuss your needs
Our friendly staff will be happy to see you if you’d like to pop in the surgery to request a registration with the Doctor.

Doctor Theodora is now your GP ready to assist you
Congratulations, you’re now registered with Dr Theodora at Peyia GP Surgery.
Keep up to date with surgery news & medical health articles
No more SMS to 8998 – Who will need and who won’t need the coronapass as of Monday
The cabinet on Wednesday night decided to reopen most closed businesses and to introduce a so-called Coronapass for people to be allowed into hospitality venues, churches, gyms, shops and other places starting Monday, while keeping an overnight curfew. A Coronapass...
2nd dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine reduced to eight weeks
After reviewing and evaluating the data arising from international studies on real vaccinations, as well as the recommendation in the Instructions for Use Leaflet of the AstraZeneca Vaccine, it was decided to reduce the period between the 1st and the 2nd dose of this...
Vaccination Portal opens as of Tuesday, May 4th, for age groups 30-38
The National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19 is currently focusing on the vaccination of the 30-38 age group. Vaccinations are progressing rapidly, with the main goal of covering a significant percentage of the population by May.
Keep up to date with surgery news & medical health articles
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No more SMS to 8998 – Who will need and who won’t need the coronapass as of Monday
The cabinet on Wednesday night decided to reopen most closed businesses and to introduce a so-called Coronapass for people to be allowed into hospitality venues, churches, gyms, shops and other places starting Monday, while keeping an overnight curfew. A Coronapass...
2nd dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine reduced to eight weeks
After reviewing and evaluating the data arising from international studies on real vaccinations, as well as the recommendation in the Instructions for Use Leaflet of the AstraZeneca Vaccine, it was decided to reduce the period between the 1st and the 2nd dose of this...
Vaccination Portal opens as of Tuesday, May 4th, for age groups 30-38
The National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19 is currently focusing on the vaccination of the 30-38 age group. Vaccinations are progressing rapidly, with the main goal of covering a significant percentage of the population by May.
COVID-19 Vaccinations
GESY Residents
For residents already on GESY, you can make an appointment for yourself or other GESY registered person in 3 ways:
Call 1474 and follow the instructions for booking a vaccination appointment.
Visit the vaccination portal here, login on your GESY account and book an appointment slot online (if you have not linked your beneficiary file with a user account, please see FAQs section for more info).
Please note that in order to book an appointment for yourself or someone else, you will need to be in the specific category the portal is open for. If not, the system will not let the request go through.